Documentation of Handwriting the Constitution of the United States, July 21, 2018, NYC Public Library Rose Reading Room
Writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Workshop with Morgan O’Hara
Free public program of the exhibition The Extraordinary.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Hunter East Harlem Gallery
2180 3rd Ave
New York, NY 10035
Since the 2016 election, artist Morgan O’Hara has been hosting workshops in various public settings –libraries, galleries, studios, etc.–where visitors are invited to sit down and handwrite the US Constitution word for word. For this exhibition, O’Hara asks visitors to come to HEHG and sit down for a group session of writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The project touches on language, ideas of declaration and democracy, and overall, situates itself as a self-determined work of art.
Posted in The Extraordinary