Carnival of the Animals: A Night of Experimental Music
Friday, May 19, 2017
Hunter East Harlem Gallery
2180 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10035
Please join us for a contemporary, musical exploration of the history and spirit of The Incoherents. Comprising French classical music, jazz, musical theatre and collaborative sound, these works employ parody, audience participation, electronics and improvisation to challenge virtuosic notions of performance, coherency of genre and academic musical conventions. This diverse suite of performances takes its title from French Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns’ work -- who uses musical characterizations of “wild beasts” and satire -- and is animated by the music’s playfulness and disregard for established musical practices.
Curated and Organized by Irini Zervas.
Performances by:
Astrid Kuljanic, vocalist, arranger and composer
Emily Rose Simons, composer, lyricist and comedienne
Hila Zamir, classical clarinetist
Marianela Torres, classical pianist
Dan Scofield, Saxophonist with Will Glass on drums